Mac-Source 1994 July
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The Parallaxis software package is licensed free of charge. Therefore, we
provide absolutely no warranty of any kind in any case. The Universitaet
Stuttgart and the authors provide the Parallaxis software package "as is"
without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not
limited to, the implied warrenties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and the performance of
the program is with you. Should the Parallaxis software package prove defective,
you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
In no event may the Universitaet Stuttgart or any of the programs' authors be
liable to you for damages, including any lost profits, lost monies, or other
special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability
to use (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered
inaccurate or losses sustained by third parties or a failure of the program to
operate with programs not included in the Parallaxis software package) the
program, even if you have been advised of the possibility of such damages, or
for any claim by any other party.
The Parallaxis software package is being distributed by the Universitaet
Stuttgart as public domain software. Copyright (c) is with the authors, Ingo
Barth, Thomas Braunl, and Frank Sembach at the Universitaet Stuttgart, IFI,
West-Germany. There is no warranty in any case as stated in the paragraph above.
You are free to use and copy the original Parallaxis software package free of
charge for non-commercial applications, provided that
1) the notices on copyright, public domain, and no warranty of this page
as well as a reference to this report are included,
2) you return a filled-in copy of the attached registration sheet,
which gives us some information on the distribution of our software.
An intended commercial use requires the written consent of the authors.
You may obtain the Parallaxis software package for any of the following computer
* Apple Macintosh (MAC OS, 2 MB or more recommended)
* IBM PC/AT or compatibles (DOS)
* APOLLO DN3000 (Unix)
* SUN 3 (Unix, OS 4.0)
* SUN 4 / Sparcstation (Unix, OS 4.0)
* HP 9000/300 (HP-UX)
* HP /800 series (HP-UX)
* DECstation 2100 (Ultrix)
* VAXstation (Ultrix)
* CRAY-2 (Unix) (sorry, no usage of vectors)
* MasPar MP 1200 (Ultrix) (in preparation)
For receiving your copy of the Parallaxis software package and the Parallaxis
user manual, send a fee of DM 10 (outside Europe via air mail US $ 15) for the
manual and a fee of DM 5 (outside Europe US $ 5) for each computer system
version you would like to get on floppy disk. If you have Internet access,
you may also copy the Parallaxis system from:
ifigw.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de (
in subdirectory pub/parallaxis
For mailing bug reports (no calls, please!), suggestions or your favourite
Parallaxis application, also contact the address below:
Dr. Thomas Braunl
Universitaet Stuttgart
Fakultaet Informatik
Postfach 10 60 37
D-7000 Stuttgart 10
FAX: +49 (711) 7816-346
e-mail: braunl@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
The power operator is now "**".
It is now possible to define multiple topologies at once (disjunct or overlay),
or different topologies for procedures that are not nested. If multiple
topologies are used, the topology name has to be specified for each PARALLEL
Since connections are now semi-dynamic, there are no lengthy connection lists
any more at the beginning of each PARZ intermediate code program.
The simulator has been extended to operate source level debugging. For this
reason, the compiler optionally generates a cross reference file (".xrf").
in English:
Barth, Braunl, Sembach: Parallaxis Version 2 User Manual
Computer Science Report, no. 2/91, Universitaet Stuttgart, Feb. 1991
--> This report is a must for using Parallaxis !! <--
--> Contact the address below. <--
Barth, Braunl, Sembach: Parallaxis User Manual
Computer Science Report, no. 3/90, Universitaet Stuttgart, March 1990
Braunl: Parallaxis: A Flexible Parallel Programming Environment for
AI Applications, Applications of Artificial Intelligence VII,
Orlando Florida, March 1989, pp. 275 (11)
Braunl: A Specification Language for Parallel Architectures and
Algorithms, Fifth International Workshop on Software Specification and
Design, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, May 1989, pp. 49 (3)
Braunl: Structured SIMD Programming in Parallaxis,
Structured Programming, vol. 10, no. 3, July 1989, pp. 121 (12)
Braunl: Transparent Massively Parallel Programming with Parallaxis,
ISSM International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and
Systems, New York NY, Oct. 1990
in German:
Barth: Entwicklung eines Compilers fuer die parallele Programmiersprache
Parallaxis, Studienarbeit Nr. 835, Universitaet Stuttgart, March 1990
Barth: Entwicklung eines Compilers fuer Parallaxis mit
dynamischen Verbindungsstrukturen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 705,
Universitaet Stuttgart, Nov. 1990
Braunl: Massiv parallele Programmierung mit dem Parallaxis-Modell
Informatik-Fachberichte Nr. 246, Springer-Verlag 1990.
Krauskopf: Ein massiv paralleles Verfahren zur Stereobildauswertung,
Diplomarbeit, Universitaet Stuttgart Nr. 707, Nov. 1990
Liebelt: Entwicklung und Untersuchung von massiv parallelen Hidden-Surface-
und Raytracing-Algorithmen, Diplomarbeit Nr. 769, Universitaet Stuttgart,
Jan. 1991
Sembach: Entwicklung eines Simulators fuer die parallele
Zwischensprache PARZ, Studienarbeit Nr. 834, Universitaet Stuttgart,
March 1990
Sembach: Entwicklung eines symbolischen Debuggers fuer das parallele
Sprachensystem Parallaxis/PARZ, Diplomarbeit Nr. 706, Universitaet Stuttgart,
Nov. 1990
Verba: Massiv-parallele Algorithmen zur Loesung von Problemen der linearen
Algebra, Studienarbeit Nr. 904, Universitaet Stuttgart, Nov. 1990
Walter: Entwurf von massiv parallelen Simulated Annealing Algorithmen,
Studienarbeit Nr. 925, Universitaet Stuttgart, Jan. 1991
What's New in Version Two
In version 2 of the Parallaxis language definition and the Parallaxis
Programming System we did some major extensions, the most important being the
introduction of semi-dynamical connection structures. Parallaxis programs may
now have several independent or overlapping interconnection structures at a
time, and different connection structures at different times (linked to
procedure scopes). We tried to be upward compatible as much as possible,
however, there are two minor changes you might have to do in order to run
your old (version 1) Parallaxis programs:
How to upgrade old Parallaxis Programs
* change power operator symbol from "^" to "**"
* suffix load/store commands in procedures without selection
with "[*]" selection
Language Changes
Data Types and Operators
* Pointers
* Variant Records
* power operator "**"
Dynamic data structures and variant record structures have been added. Syntax
and Semantics is identical to Modula-2. The power operator had to be changed
to double asterik, since the "^" symbol is now used for dereferencing pointer
Multiple Configuration and Connection Structures
Several configuation and connection structures may be defined globally for the
entire program, or locally for each procedure. Procedures with configuration/
connection structures may not be nested inside each other. Multiple
configuration/connection structures may be defined on disjointed sets of PEs
(with the possibility of interconnections between these groups), each having
its individual data declaration. Several configuration/connection structures
may also be defined on the same set of PEs, resulting in an overlay structure.
PE selection syntax in PARALLEL, LOAD/STORE, and REDUCE statements has been
changed slightly because of this extension. Besides the PE-range, a selection
also has to specify the name of the configuration in case there are more than
one (i.e.: PARALLEL tree[3..7] ...).
Connections are no longer restricted to be 1:1 connections. They may now be
arbitrary m:n connections (that is any input and output port may have an
arbitrary number of connections). The arrival of multiple data values at a time
has to be avoided. Therefore, the data exchange operations may be supplied with
implicit data reduction operations.
Data Exchange
* propagate [reduce]
* send [reduce]
* receice [reduce]
All participating PEs had to be active in a propagate data exchange operation.
For multiple independent configuation structures, this is no longer possible.
Therefore, propagate has been given two siblings: send, for transferring data
to a destination-PE that does not have to be active (i.e. being in another
configuration, or also inside the same configuration), and receive, for
transferring data from a source-PE that does not have to be active.
All three data exchange operations may be specified with an implicit reduction
operator, in order to take care of possible m:n connections, reducing the data
stream on the way of transfer.
Standard Functions
* parallel read
* parallel write
* in/out-connected
* new / dispose
* graphics routines
Read and write may now take vector arguments, reflecting the parallel I/O
technology, called "Data Vault" at Thinking Machines and "Parallel Disk Array"
at MasPar. In/Out-connected functions have been changed according to the new
multiple connection structures, and dynamic storage allocation functions have
been added. The graphics routines are being ignored by the simulator in the
current version and are only executed in the compiled version.
User-defined reduction functions now have to have two vector arguments and a
vector result.
Programming System Changes
The compiler now optionally creates cross-reference files for the symbolic
debugger of the simulator.
Simulator and Debugger
The simulator also allows variant data structures (unions) and supports dynamic
connection structures. That is, the PE connections are no longer listed before
the actual commands in each PARZ program, but there are vector commands connect,
biconnect and disconnect to build and discard dynamic connection structures. As
a consequence, there is now a debugger command for displaying the dynamic
connections (formerly integrated in the LIST command).
The debugger has been extended to a symbolic debugger that operates on
Parallaxis level and on PARZ level (new commands handling Parallaxis
expressions are EXAMINE and ASSIGN). Parallaxis source code is always displayed,
when available. All debugger commands formerly using PARZ labels only, may now
also use Parallaxis source line numbers.
Coming Next: New Tools and Further Compilers
The visualizer tool is still not ready for version 2 distribution.
There are two all new PARZ-to-C compilers. The first one is to speed up
Parallaxis programs on single-processor Unix workstations, and the second
compiler has been especially designed to run Parallaxis programs on the
massively parallel MasPar computer system (16,384 PEs). We hope to be
able to start distribution soon!
Please fill in the blanks and return to:
Dr. Thomas Braunl
Universitaet Stuttgart
Fakultaet Informatik
Postfach 10 60 37
D-7000 Stuttgart 10
e-mail: braunl@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Name: (first, last) ..................................................
Company: (if any) ..................................................
Address: (street) ..................................................
(city, ZIP) ..................................................
(country) ..................................................
E-mail: ..................................................
Intended Use of Parallaxis: ..................................................
Application Areas: ..................................................
| This is a [REGISTRATION] / an [ORDER] . | (please mark)
(please make sure to accompany order with payment!)
[ ] Parallaxis User Manual (order)
Computer systems used: ..................................................
(floppies ordered, resp.)
Thank you for your cooperation!